Types of Braces and How to Select Right One for Better Treatment
Some people have the privilege of having the right set of teeth. However, you don't have to worry if you don't have it. The dentists have new treatments and materials to improve the prosthetics of braces. Proper treatment can make a big difference for you or your child. Your orthodontist may prescribe any type of braces or dental instruments to help fix your specific dental problem. Which brace is most commonly used at dental Epping ? Below are the different types of braces: 1. Metal braces Metal braces are traditional braces made from high quality stainless steel. When fixing a dental brace, a brace is attached to the brace on the tooth which also ensures pressure to move the tooth in the right direction. 2. Ceramic braces Using tooth coloured ceramic braces instead of metal and white wire, ceramic braces are the ideal choice for many patients. They are also called clear braces. Ceramic braces are an almost invisible and perfect option for adults who want to go for a subtle l...