Regular Checkups at Dentist Epping NSW Can Prevent Costly Treatments

With the busy lives people lead the last thing they will think of is maintaining good oral health and maintenance of teeth. Neglect can prove to be expensive later on not to speak of discomfort and pain. All these can be avoided by regular visits to dentist Epping NSW, your friendly family dentist.

What happens when you neglect oral health
Brushing twice a day is not sufficient. In effect you are ignoring what can happen and the long term impact of such neglect. It is always advisable to schedule a checkup at dentist Epping NSW even if your teeth are health, as a preventative measure and to keep teeth clean. Neglect can lead to several issues that can prove expensive as you will find.
• Even regular brushing cannot prevent build up of plaque and bacteria.
• This can eventually damage gums and lead to gingivitis and periodontitis.
• Cavities may result and lead to tooth decay and the tooth will need to be extracted.
• Then there are graver issues. You may develop a sore or a tumor that may be cancerous. Treatment is expensive and you are put to considerable inconvenience.

Damaged gums will weaken teeth and also result in bad breath. Treatment by surgery to rectify receding gums or periodontitis is expensive and time-consuming too. If a tooth is affected then you will need treatment such as root canal and a crown. If a tooth is decayed beyond redemption then it will need to be removed. The next step is crown and bridge that again is expensive. You may opt for an implant. This too is expensive. All these situations could have been nipped in the bud by regular visits to your family dentist Epping NSW.

Poor oral health can affect body health too 
Ignore plaque and the bacteria that breed in your mouth and what happens is that these bacteria eventually find their way into the blood stream and affect the heart, weakening it. Your knees too might be affected. Do you want to be in this kind of situation? Certainly not. Regular checkup and cleaning of teeth at dentist Epping NSW costs far less than treatment for heart or knees.

Social effect 
Ignore teeth and they become discolored and stained. When you talk or smile it does create an adverse impression about you in social circles. The cost and damage certainly cannot be calculated because of the negative image. Keep teeth perfectly white through regular visits to dentist Epping NSW and maintain a positive social image. The benefits are incalculable.

What regular visits to dentist Epping will get you
Once every three months is good but you can fix an appointment every six months. Your dentist Epping NSW will carry out:
• A detailed check of teeth and gums
• Checkup of your oral tissues, throat tissues and jaw joints
• Recommend cleaning process and carry it out
• Identify issues with gums or teeth and recommend appropriate action to remedy issues.
• Advise you on care to take

Prevention is always better because, sometimes, there is no cure and prevention could mean you enjoy use of your natural teeth for a lifetime by the simple expedient of regular checkups at dentist Epping NSW.


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