The Best Advice for Recovery From Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The Wisdom tooth is the third molar among our teeth. The human body has so evolved that the third molar is not a primary organ for us. We can easily remove the third molar without much problem. Any dentist Epping Clinic would tell its patient to remove the wisdom tooth because it causes more trouble than help for the patient.

Wisdom teeth are actually a set of four molars that emerge after we reach 17 years of age. However, not everyone has room in the mouth for the third molars. This, in turn, causes a lot of pain for the patient. Therefore, most dentists recommend the extraction of wisdom teeth.

Epping Dentist

How to Get a Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Always remember that a sore tooth should always be removed by a professional dentist. You should visit a professional dentist clinic like dentist Epping clinic for consultation. After consulting with your dentist and understanding the risks and consequences of the procedure, the patient should go ahead with it. The wisdom tooth extraction is something that should not be done without professional supervision.

In this blog, we will focus on post wisdom tooth extraction recovery and its speed. The period immediately after a wisdom tooth extraction is a challenging one. However, you can easily recover from the extraction with the help of these tips given by professionals from the dentist Epping clinic- 

  • Keep track of any bleeding after extraction
The extraction is one that has blood loss. A patient might experience some bleeding from the extraction point within 24 hours of the procedure. Still, you should take steps to decrease the bleeding. If the bleeding continues after 24 hours of extraction, you should consult your dentist again.

If you are seeing no change in the bleeding pace after 24 hours, then also you should go to the dentist. For the first few days in the post-surgery period, you should sit upright so that the blood flow stops. The patient should also stop doing very strenuous physical activity.

  • Follow your post-extraction medication religiously

Every dentist gives you some medicines after the extraction. This helps you in reducing the pain linked with the wound and heals it fast. Therefore, you experience less bleeding when you take prescribed medications religiously. This speeds up your recovery process. Therefore, you should not discontinue your post-extraction medicines without consulting your dentist.

  • Avoid tobacco and other intoxicating substances

Intoxicating substances interfere with the body’s natural rhythm and healing capacity. Tobacco can have a dire impact on your mouth. The substance can harm the surgery wound further and can stop the healing process. The tobacco can prematurely dry up the extraction site. This leads to uneven healing and post-extraction complications. Every dentist would want you to avoid tobacco to keep your dental health intact.

  • Stay hydrated

Our body is majorly made of water. Therefore, it is not unsurprising that the body needs more water during the healing process. Water helps in healing the wound and flushing out the toxins. Therefore, staying hydrated right after the extraction is very important. It is one of the most basic and easiest ways of taking care of yourself.  Wisdom tooth extraction is easy

  • Wisdom tooth extraction is easy

Experience the best established Epping dental clinic. When you go for a reputed dental clinic and the best dental advice, the extraction process is almost painless and hassle-free. You should look at wisdom tooth extraction as a procedure that maintains your dental health.

Epping Dental Clinic

Epping Dentist clinic is an established one where experienced dentists cure many dental woes The clinic has a great team specialising in wisdom tooth extraction. Contact us now!


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